Emerging cruiser
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Crisis!!!It's not Economy,It's not employment,It's FOOD this time…
FOOD CRISIS!!! How many of them in today’s world knows about this devastating crisis??It’s no way a ephemeral. Its 2012,for the third time in five years the world is braced with another food crisis(Last two crisis 2007-2008/2011).It’s not just about high food prices, increased hunger,loacalised famines but it’s about the future prospect to which the world has just started waking up.Developed countries are induced by bad weather conditions, the prime among these is U.S.Their central agricultural belts have experienced their worst draught in almost half a century this year. What is this??let me tell you in detail about this, This is the stastical measure used by each country Govt. to get relevant datas about agriculture. Say in U.S the U.S Department of Agriculture, in India Indian council of Agricultural Research. The result was about 50% less in production of maize and soya bean compared to last year, second 40% of corn which is produced is absorbed by ethanol industries and about a third of them is used as feed by the meat and poultry business. Obviously when corn output falls demands from competing sources will drive prices up further. Which in turn will make wheat to be used up for feed production affecting supplies available for direct human consumption. One should remember the Fact that the future of the Food depends only on Corn and Potato. The big notch industries to the poorest of the poor have also got affected, the exports in the countries are diminishing leading to price rise and buoyancy in domestic and international prices and well for those who are poor the consequences of a crisis like this will be dire and could result in an extended period of hunger and malnutrition, lack of seeds for next year’s harvest, mass migration from rural to urban areas, loss of livestock, and the diminished capacity of the people affected to feed themselves.!!!! And yes!!! no way this crisis takes a taciturn to political turmoil- semantically it does, where goverments of the countries will adopt policies to discourage exports.In,India the the condition is nowhere far away except some few rains which brought agriculture production to a 3% high in certain major crops this year but this effect has been devastated by our the fact that our country is not having enough storage space to procure this increase!!!This FOOD CRISIS as a whole cannot be solved with the each government involvement in having a good measure individually.Instead like in 2008 where the Global Food Crisis Response Program (GFRP) started by World bank with other programs funded each and every sector to rejunuvate the food industry additionally,there should also be a measure which should callibarte each and every country political policies,exports,highly affected % in malnutrition and stand up with international standards inspite of the economy which they belong in to bring about a food security as a Global Signature.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Foreign Direct Investment-The Big Fish

Way back to early 1990’s let me tell you an astonishing fact, which helped The Indian Economy to take a turn faced by a severe Balance of payment crisis. How many of them knows that today’s Prime minister in the early nineties who was a finance Minister of India Dr. Singh with the help of World Bank and IMF introduced the macro – economic stabilization and structural program which opened the doors to FDI inflows and adopted a more liberal foreign policy putting an end to License Raj system???It was the time when there was a marked increase in Petroleum prices because of the gulf war. The crippling external debts were debilitating the economy. The nation was left with an amount of foreign exchange reserves which can finance only its three weeks of imports. Inflation reached at its highest level of 13%.Foreign reserves of the country stood high. Even there was a continued political uncertainty in the country during that period(Dr.Narasimha Rao’s Period).India’s credit rating fell in the international market for both short- term and long-term borrowing. It was a mere Economic collapse.
The nation-today Is no where far away from the economic derailment which it faced in the 1991.The FDI-Retail in India where Dr.singh Government move came with a 51% FDI in Multi-brand retail and 100% in single brand retail. We were all aware of global players in Retail Industry like US-walmart,French player-Tesco, IKEA-Swedish giant in furniture retail where they have been provided with 51% FDI by the government, while the remaining 49% of products they sell can be from the domestic players of which 15% limit is for Non-Brand Agro-products likes fruits and vegetables, which is currently being adopted by Indian retail giants like spencers,reliance,more,etc.In terms of Economy, FDI-retail will ease out Inflation which is peaking at the rate of 9.36%,will give out employment opportunities to millions of people. Farmers will get benefitted directly instead of local players making a double cost while selling it to the customers making a big deal in between. I can bet you on that issue even I experienced the price tag of 25kg of rice which I buy in a city is thrice the amount that I can get it from Rice-Mill at a Village. Am not saying that the middle-players should not exist which is the major concern for the Trimmonal congress as well as DMK and many more parties who are all in powers and not as well in their concerned states, instead look at the rate at which we are going to be benefitted!!!The GDP growth which has a sole 14% effect on the Retail industry,wont it be a major success In terms of economy liberalization and achievement???Instead if we are going to take the fact that Middle men are going to suffer in the Indian market which is an utmost concern against the FDI-retail am proud to say that China outraged us in the same issue for which we are against FDI-Retail. Yes!!!Even in most places of china today there are super markets and local players who outraged walmart and so many Foreign Brands, the Local players trends and the style have outplayed global retailers like walmart.I happened to hear that in some parts of villages in china farmers directly come and sell Agro-based goods to local people for which there is an urge among the consumers.
One must also look at the fact that government is setting up the Retail players and those players have decided to put their shops in places where there are more than 1.1 million people. The move will give out a better growth for the nation, direct employment and indirect employment, consumers will be having their products which can be of much quality improved and also at cheaper rates. The opposition government must look at the fact that there will be a better economic insight for the nation and its growth and it’s not the gratification by which they are going to be benefitted as it turns out to be a mere drudgery.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
It's Time For India and China

China's emergence as a world economic power follows years of expansion, with growth of 9% or more the norm.It is a major exporter and may now be the world's fourth largest economy having overtaken Italy and possibly the UK and France.India has also seen dramatic growth of more than 7% a year and is the recipient of much foreign investment .Still US remains the largest economy in real terms. But on a measure based on purchasing power, China could overtake the US by 2020.There was not much difference in the economy between India and China’s performance roughly until 1980, when the per ca-pita incomes were also similar. Over the last quarter century, both instituted economic reforms and the growth accelerated. China embraced globalization and trade enthusiastically, welcoming FDI with no inhibitions, and gradually gaining control of world markets for low-tech labour-intensive manufactures. While reforms in India are supposed to have been initiated in 1991, the doctrinaire socialist policy had begun to be diluted in the second innings of Indira Gandhi .The process of liberalization continued under her son Rajiv Gandhi and more dramatically after 1991 while the growth rate doubled from the previous Hindu rate, but still lagged that of China. The result has been that starting with more or less the same per capita incomes 25 years back, Chinese incomes today are double that of India's as a result not only of faster GDP growth, but also of a lower population increase, good with the one-child policy. One in three people worldwide lives in either China, the largest communist country, or India, the largest democracy. For the moment, China remains the most populous nation,with 1.3 billion inhabitants, followed by India, which is home to 1.1 billion.But India's higher fertility rate means the gap is narrowing and the UN expects it to overtake China before 2030.
Those of us who suffer from China-envy – the debilitating feeling that the Chinese are ahead of us in everything they do, should think about this starting from stringent rules in daily life from traffic bans to one-child policy,the average Chinese trusts her government even less than Indian trusts.Is that possible, after CWG, Adarsh and A. Raja and Dhayanidhi maran? It is.About some months ago, there were fears that radiation from Fukushima could leak into seawater, and eventually salt. This sent thousands to Chinese rushing to grocery stores. They cleaned out entire shops of all the packaged salt in store. This triggered fears of a salt shortage in coastal China.The government insisted the fears were baseless, as indeed they proved to be, but people took their neighbours’ whispers more seriously than the word from Beijing.Something even more serious is happening from last week. Folks across China have cleared shop shelves of soaps, detergents and shampoo. For the last week or so, media has said that the four companies that dominate this business, including Unilever and P&G and two Chinese entities, will hike prices of soaps and shampoos between 5% and 15%.None of these four companies has actually hiked rates, nor spoken about the timing of price hikes. Beijing insists that interest rate hikes and other measures will soon cool prices. Nevertheless, people have panicked.Yes, inflation is high in China, but India has also gone through a period of gut-wrenching price spikes. Yet, we do not see crowds stampeding through vegetable markets, or cleaning out store shelves before the things gets costlier. An Article about Chinese newspapers says that, In newsrooms, it used to be said that you couldn’t trust news out of China till Beijing denied it. Today, most Chinese seem to believe this. They don’t trust their government and if the mandarins say something, they’re betting that exactly the opposite is true.Here, it’s different. To most things , the Indian responds with a cynical shrug. The exception is the government calendar of dry days, which are vital and many in a year. That, we treat with all the seriousness it deserves.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Corruption-A Billion Dollar Industry

The spate of scandals in the recent times has taken us back ,where India has slipped three places in the global ranking of most corrupted countries from 84th to 87th.UPA in the second term had promised to tackle out inflation,recession, turbulance in fuel, naxalism etc but in spite of that UPA has reached greater heights in "corruption“,the only advancement and growth they have seen in the second term. Allocating of unified access service licenses of 2G spectrum was the bigger playground for them where they have reached their target of highest figures of 1.76 lakh crore before completion of successful second year in the second term. Former union telecom minster. A. Raja being the Night watchman has evaded norms and sold out 120 unique licenses at a throw-away price which were already pegged at 2001.There was no other bigger scam than this in India. Next was the commonwealth games corruption which we could call it literally as a loot under lime light!!!!Payment to non-existent parties, will-full delay in execution of contracts,over inflated price and bungling in purchase of equipments through tendering and misappropriation of funds, all these were the sources of money into their pocket. Even the SBI and SBP banks paid 90 crores to the DDA,which was the bank guarantee paid on behalf of the contractor Emaar were also into their pockets. With 2G and CWG at the top spot others scams behind these were,IPL scam which involved corruption by the business tycoons and the big-pocket industrialists in the selection of players and franchise.satyam scam,Telgi scam,Bofor Scam,Hawala scam were it is all the list of scandals in india just not ending and becoming grave by every decade. The government says that it lying 20km of road a day and planning to develop infrastructure which can all be done with the help of public-private partnership, where again it comes as a no-brainer that political parties attract from big-pocket industrialists. A report says that 58% of corruptions are built by industrialists and politicians, with the cost of corruption to the country alone exceeding 250,000 every year. The result is being that the government has no time to workout with the nation where the inflation has touched 11.53 today with increase in fuel prices and food inflation touching 18.32 in the starting of the year 2011.It is a spate that poor people are being affected. It is the middlemen who play out a bigger role in corruption, not a single common man’s bribe. So let us hope that we should have an entire reformation in every field of politics and in the place of industrialists to make eliminate corruption from our Nation.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Maruthi's Milestone:

startin in mid-january 1982 running for partnership with main auto makers like daihatsu,nissan and mistubishi maruthi finally got a call from suzuki motor corporation for venturing into partnership with SMc after diahatsu fiasco.mr.shino nakanishi who was a young overseas executive in overseas marketing department currently the MD and CEO of indian market finally ended up with talks in manufacturing an 800cc car.Havin faith and keepin politicians at bay maruthi rolled out first 192 cars in 1983 with only MRF tyres and exide battries contribution to the 800cc vehicle manufactured which was a mere 2.76% share of indian parts. with going past many years maruthi took 11 years to produce a million cars.finally it ended up with a milestone of acheiving a million car make out on 23rd march 2010 in a year.maruthi helped suzuki get to the top 10 amongst major international car manufactures and also to nineth spot among car majors in the world!with todays market facing a lot of competition in the indian base ,major auto makers rolling out thier small cars like toyota,honda,ford,nissan,volkswogen in the indian segment maruthi would be aiming to high in the market.With maruthi stlye of management havin a co-management -one japanese manager and indian manager in every division and also having a special R&D facilitesto come up in india a new design for cars for indian roads will make maruthi dominance in indian auto industry.Even TATA s NANO revolution in auto industry after maruthi 800 revolution in 1983 made a huge impact in the india.with now the bharath IV norms to be upgraded in each cars rolling out from april 1 in 13 cities maruthi 800 could not meet up the standards of the fuel stage,planning to stop the sales of 800 in 13 cities will be a bit bite for maruthi ltd.